
What is Radium?

Radium represents a decentralized staking framework and protocol, enhancing staker rewards by ensuring the security and online presence of validators for Ethereum Proof-of-Stake consensus responsibilities. It achieves this by dividing a validator's key into shares and distributing them across independently operated nodes, thereby attaining robust security and fault tolerance.

Distributed Validator Technology, offering an accessible and straightforward framework, facilitates the division and distribution of a validator key into multiple KeyShares. This enables the operation of a Binance Beacon validator across numerous independent nodes without mutual trust.

Running a Binance Beacon validator via The Radium platform brings active-active redundancy, elevates validator key security, and offers advantages to the Binance Chain, staking pools, staking services, and solo stakers.

Benefits of Radium:

  1. Enhanced Redundancy & Fault Tolerance

    • To earn RADIUM rewards through data transaction signing, validators must remain online and accessible.

    • In the existing Binance staking ecosystem, validators are limited to a single node, creating a single point of failure due to strict protocol rules.

    • Radium mitigates this risk by splitting the validator key into multiple KeyShares and distributing them to multiple nodes.

    • If one node experiences downtime for maintenance or other issues, fault tolerance is achieved, and other nodes holding KeyShares continue to operate, ensuring a slashing-free, decentralized staking environment.

  2. Non-Custodial & Secure RADIUM Staking

    • Radium enables the generation of the validator key, its division into multiple KeyShares, and secure offline storage.

    • Once distributed to non-trusting nodes, KeyShares operate the validator and sign data in place of the offline validator key.

    • This approach provides a highly secure staking solution, eliminating the need for users to entrust their validator key to any operators.

  3. Promoting Decentralization & Diversity

    • Independent operators from diverse global locations establish the Radium infrastructure and maintain its overall health.

    • Operators have the freedom to select the validator client software and hardware infrastructure that suits their preferences.

    • Similarly, stakers can choose from a pool of independent operators to run their validators.

    • This commitment to diversity enhances the overall robustness of the Binance blockchain, reducing single points of failure, and allowing validators to run on multiple clients.

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